It was a beautiful day, despite the rain, filled with laughter, love, and tears. Laura was as beautiful and radiant as any bride has ever been--and now she is a married woman!
The day started with many last minute details, I was frantic to get everything in the car without forgetting anything! Dress, shoes, veils, tiara, emergency kit, camera, makeup mirror, where on earth is the hair spray, umbrella, oh-no my keys! Four of the six of us girls (me, Laura, Amanda and Cheralyn) crammed into my car with all our stuff. We then headed to the salon to watch Laura get her hair done and veils attached while we did our own hair and put on makeup. Two hours later we jumped into the limo and enjoyed lunch from Chicken Out as we drove to the church. Laura was not too nervous and more than a little excited!
When we arrived at the church we all headed to the parlor where we had plenty of time to finish dressing and just enjoy each other's company for a while. The other two bridesmaids, Megan and Kristen joined us there.

Once all the family arrived at the church with the flowers and the photographer the day really sped up. We did pictured and hugged lots of people and ooohh'ed and aahhh'ed over the flowers and how beautiful Laura looked. The assistant from the church came to line us up to walk down the aisle and the nerves hit! My stomach felt like it dropped and Laura started looking a little teary. As I made it to the front of the church and turned to look for Laura I caught David's eye and smiled at him--he looked pretty calm. As the doors opened and Laura started her procession you could feel the emotion. She had a few tears trickle down her face--over a happy smile. David certainly was blinking back a few tears, as was I.

The ceremony was beautiful, Christ-honoring, and heartfelt. As we recessed back down the aisle, I glanced at my husband and could tell we were both thinking how happy and blessed we were to be married, and was it really almost four years ago that it was us standing up there? We waited in the parlor until the guests could make their way out and as each bridesmaid/groomsman couple came to congratulate Laura her squeals of sheer excitement got louder! (we got in trouble with the church assistant lady for being too loud). Laura and David made a run for the limo through the crowd of guests as we threw rose petals at them--it was fun despite the damp weather.

The photographer took many more pictures of the families and the wedding party, then we were on our way to the reception. We proceeded Laura and David only by a few minutes and were there to greet the new married couple as they entered. The hall was decorated beautifully, the cake looked amazing, and the gift table overflowed. Cake cutting, the toasts, eating, and dancing all followed in quick succession and the evening was over far too quickly. Laura and David left in their snazzy convertable getaway car for their honeymoon. I gathered up all of Laura and David's things and the long awaited wedding day was over.