Last night a powerful and dramatic lightning storm passed through our area. I call it a lightning storm because the lightning was the most dominant feature of this storm. There was some thunder, wind, and rain as well, but nothing like the lightning. The master bedroom of our house is on the third floor in the back facing some trees and a field, providing an excellent view of the sky. We went to bed a little before 11pm and were kept awake by the flash, flash, flashing of the lightning. Finally, we got up and opened the curtains and just watched. The whole sky would turn a mauve color as the lightning brightened the sky. It was the kind that you couldn't see the individual bolts of lightning, but would make the whole sky flicker. Then the bolts started. Flicker, flicker, flicker--then FLASH! a bolt or two would slice down all the way to the ground. We watched for about an hour--it must have been a slow moving storm. There was still some bright flashing going on when we finally went to bed after the exciting show.