There have been advertisements on television lately for a movie that looks so awful and disgusting that we have to change the channel just to not view the ads for it. I don't know a whole lot about this movie other than that ad which included irreverence toward Jesus and sexual acts performed with a donkey. The other thing I know is that the director of the movie was pleasantly suprised when he didn't have to cut anything out to get an R rating instead of a NC-17 rating. Now why am I talking about this? I guess because I started thinking about it in terms of the moral slippery slope our culture is currently on.
What is one of the arguments against supporting gay marriage? That if you can defend gay marriage by arguments of "personal choice" etc. then you can defend incest, group marriage, and beastiality. Of course most of the proponents of gay marriage were vehemently against this line of logic.
But now here is evidence of what even these most liberal and "open minded" people swear will not happen.
How did being "gay" become acceptable in the United States? Well, one way has been through humor on TV and the big screen. The Seinfeld quote from many years ago that most everyone knows--"We're not gay, not that there is anything wrong with that." You take a subject that people are uncomfortable with, make them laugh at it, and gradually they become comfortable with it.
Let's review what we have on TV and in movies now: Polygamy (Big Love), Child/Adult sexual relationship (Birth), and now beastiality (Clerks II). I guess liberals won't be able to deny for much longer that by supporting any deviant sexual relationship they are supporting them all.
Let's put the brakes on this cultural slide as much as we as individuals can--don't laugh. Will it help? Probably not much, but it really isn't funny.