Bill and I headed up to Pennsylvania for Memorial Day weekend, our last substantial car trip before the baby arrives. Bill's family had gotten tickets to the King Tut exhibit at the Franklin Institute in Philly for Saturday, so we joined them there. What amazing artifacts--to think they lay untouched for 3200 years. And anyone who thinks that older civilizations were less sophisticated need to go take a look at the craftmanship the Egyptians turned out! I was slightly disappointed there weren't actually any mummies to see, but other than that, it was very interesting.

The next day we went to church and then out to lunch with one of Bill's old friends. This actually was a ploy to keep me away from Bill's parents' house while they set up for a surprise baby shower! When we arrived there after lunch and walked in there were my two moms, 4 sisters-in-law, 2 aunts, and 3 cousins (most everyone was from Bill's side since they all still live in the area). I was very suprised to see my mom and my sister-in-law, Alisa, down from Connecticut. Everyone outdid themselves in preparing amazing food, decorating the place beautifully, and showering our baby with tons of presents! Here are just a couple pictures taken by my mom at the shower.
Look at all the loot!
Me cutting the cake.

Opening presents with Daisy, Lily, and Kaelin looking on.