Thursday, December 17, 2009
It's a.......

Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Cousins in Gramma's Sweaters
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
What's in a name?
Another name problem we have run into is that I tend to be drawn toward names that start with "A." But since I don't want to have a theme with our names we are going to try to avoid "A" names, at least this time around.
Other than the lack of sleep that I have been getting between pregnancy stuff and toddler woes, I can finally say I am feeling good! It took me just about until Thanksgiving to feel myself again, and even then I was having bad headaches. Those are gone for the most part, at least now they aren't an every evening occurance. I just don't understand those women who say they enjoy being pregnant! I am certainly not one of them...I may enjoy the outcome of having a baby, but would much rather just skip ahead to the good part. One thing I do enjoy now is feeling the baby moving around. I can tell the difference between kicks and rolls now--baby is a little acrobat in there. Bill felt some kicks the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and Aubrey got to feel one two days ago. It was fun to watch the expression on her face as she exclaimed, "Mommy, the baby in your tummy poked me!" Now she climbs up on my lap and says, "do you want to make the baby kick mommy?"
Major cravings lately: Grapefruit and cottage cheese (not together). mmm, I think i will go get a grapefruit now.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I have a dr. appointment next week and then I guess I will be able to schedule the big ultrasound! It seems to be dragging really slowly, I really just want to find out the gender now! Everybody thinks that this one is a boy. Interestingly, all my friends who are having babies next year who know what they are having are having boys. When I was pregnant with Aubrey almost every single one of my friends who had a baby the same year as I did had a girl (that is at least six girls!) So maybe this will be the year of the boy...
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Election Day
This was Aubrey's fourth election--the first one when I was pregnant with her, one when she was three months old, one year old, and this last one. The funniest one was the presidential one last year, we had to wait in line for hours to vote and Bill and I took turns chasing her around the gymnasium where we were and waiting in line. She kept picking up sample ballots and handing them to people. This time around she was VERY excited about the "I voted" stickers that we got, telling people as we walked by, "look, I got a sicker! And mommy's got a sicker too!"
Friday, October 23, 2009
This time around

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Some House Adventures

Friday, August 14, 2009
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Two Years Old!
Aubrey celebrated her second birthday last week. We just had a small party with family, with a dinner and cake and ice cream. She really enjoyed opening her presents: a lawnmower, a backhoe, a little people airplane, and a cooking (pots and pans) set.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Monday, July 06, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
I should have taken some before pictures
We plan to furnish Aubrey with a few outdoor toys for her birthday. On her wish list is a climber/slide or swingset, sandbox, and tricycle. Also smaller things: a sprinkler attachment for a hose for running through, bubbles to blow, good ball to kick/bounce around, floats for swimming in the lake.
I would like to build some sort of fenced in area to put these toys so that Aubrey can play and I won't have to constantly worry about her running toward the lake. We were at my brother's house a few weekends ago and it was so incredibly nice to just let her have the run of the entire back yard. I could actually sit on a lawn chair and talk to everyone without running after Aubrey telling her not to go that way or the other way. We could put up something just out where the old horse fence was--there is already two sides to that fence still up. Or we could connect to the existing dog fence in the woods and just fence across the lake access. The only problem is that Dexter LOVES swimming 250 times a day, so that would hamper his water access. I would have to just be sure to close the gate only when I was out there with Aubrey I guess. More planning to do!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
catching up

It is so nice here on the lake now that summer has arrived. We have been enjoying the cool breezes and dappled sunshine we get here in the woods on the lake. Bill has been swimming for a couple weeks now, but the water is still pretty cold. I'll venture in soon I am sure. We just bought Aubrey a bathing suit at LL bean last week so she'll be ready once it warms a little. I am not missing the 90 degree weather of NoVA, we haven't had the need for any air conditioning yet this year here! We really want to buy a canoe, I have been keeping my eye out for one on craigslist since they are so expensive new!
I also need to buy a new bathing suit, ugh! Not looking forward to that search. I have a very specific idea of what I want: a tankini that the top is on the looser side and overlaps the bottom by a couple inches and the bottoms aren't cut really low so as to hold in my post baby tummy, but not so high as to look like granny panties. ;) Oh and not $$$ either! Some bathing suits are so pricey. I did get some good deals at Ann Taylor Loft lately--they really mark down their sale items. I got a really nice pair of dark wash jeans for $9.98 (size 2 no less, woohoo)
I have been trying out some new cake recipies lately which has been fun. My stand mixer is getting lots of exercise. :) I made a Carrot Ginger cake with Orange cream cheese frosting today for Alisa's birthday. We are going over to John and Alisa's house tomorrow to celebrate--they aren't going far from home these days since she is due in about 2 and a 1/2 weeks! We are all eagerly anticipating the arrival of baby Kyle. (well, maybe not Aubrey, I don't think she gets it when we tell her that Alisa has a baby in her tummy) I think Aubrey is in for a rude awakening when she finds out that she is not the littlest, cutest, center of attention at family gatherings anymore. It will be good for her though!
Speaking of Aubrey I can't believe her second birthday is next month! People always say time flies when your kids are growing up, and it really is true. It seems like she was just a little bundle that did nothing but drink milk and need diaper changes. :) Time to start planning a birthday party and another cake...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunshine Singing
Aubrey's new favorite activity is singing, it is so cute. We thought we would share it with you. Please don't mind my singing (or post-workout hair) Just focus on the cute toddler. ;)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Bill has the three day weekend off so we are hoping to get some painting done and a light fixture up. Aubrey really wants to play with her Daddy though so I am not sure how much we will get done. He has been having late meetings at work so he leaves before she wakes up and gets home after she goes to bed. She didn't see him for three days this week! :( Sunday we have a dinner with my parents and John and Alisa after church. I'll have to post pictures of Aubrey in her cute dress later when we get the computers in order!
Monday, March 30, 2009
twenty months
Aubrey is extremely affectionate. We get more than our share of hugs, kisses and "shuggle, shuggles" (snuggles). Many times throughout the day I hear, "Mommy, Wuv You!" Now she is getting comfortable around Gramma and Papa D. and Uncle John and Aunt Alisa they are getting some of the love too.
Bonus photos: the spread for my Mom's birthday dinner and a picture of the cake I made.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
We are all slowly adjusting. Aubrey was more needy and cranky for a while, but I think she is finally settling in and understanding this is home. She loves having tons of room to run around, inside and out, and is sporting all kinds of new bruises from tripping. I think she inherited my gracefulness. Bill is in the middle of his second week at his new job and is enjoying it very much. The coworkers are nice, the work not too overwhelming, and yet plenty of responsiblity and leeway to make improvements where they need them. I am really missing my friends back in VA, and am reluctantly adjusting to the slower pace here. Aubrey and I went to Target today: 35 minute drive there, 30 minutes in the store, 30 minutes to Starbucks, 20 minutes home. A little different from my two Targets and ten starbucks in a ten minute radius. ;)
It is probably a good thing that we are further away from all stores and restaurants because Bill won't be getting a paycheck until he works for six weeks, yikes! I am going to be going shopping with my sister-in-law Alisa next week though, I am very excited about that (and praying Aubrey cooperates!)
I have so many plans for the house, and then I have spaces I don't know what to do with. We got all kinds of free cable channels on our tv so I have been watching HGTV and thinking I need to apply to one of those home makeover shows. Maybe I'll post pictures on here and ask for ideas for colors, floor coverings, storage options, etc. I know some of you have amazing taste (Liz that definitely includes you!)
Our wish list includes a canoe for the lake and a swingset for Aubrey. As long as our Townhouse rents out soon maybe we will be able to afford a few of these grand plans I have. :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
It has been really busy, as you can imagine, packing, cleaning, and organizing. It is interesting what you find when you go through the recesses of closets you haven't fully emptied since you moved in. Clothes from college, maybe even before, catalogues from 2004, nail polish colors that I don't know what I was thinking when I bought them, pictures from visits with friends you forgot you took. All this stuff slows me down, but don't worry, we have thrown away, sold, and donated a TON of stuff. We are moving to a house with so much more space, it is going to echo in there for a while.
We got really exciting news yesterday! John and Alisa are having a boy! One of the plusses of moving now is being up there for the latter part of the pregnancy (hello? babyshower!) and the newborn stage of the little guy. Thanks for waiting so we won't miss any of it (just kidding!).
Bill has next week off so that we can spend our time on packing and getting the house ready to rent. Yikes, though we have a lot to do. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it! I am sure it will be fine once I buckle down and really work hard on it, but for now it all seems a little daunting.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Qui Transtulit Sustinet
Friday, January 23, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
A little bit of catch up
One thing that I have committed to lately is exercising. I learned that I have to make it a priority--the first thing on my to do list, rather than the thing that I get to if and when everything else gets done. So now I run/walk 3-4 miles outside with Aubrey in the stroller or do 1/2 hour on the elliptical machine 6 days a week and workout with my exercise ball and resistance band 3 times a week. No excuses. The problem that I always run into is that I really hate working out. It makes me miserable, so I am pretty good at finding ways to get out of it. But now I am being very good about it and make it a habit so that it feels wrong when I don't do it every day. I do wish I had someone I could do it with that could make it a sort of competition--that would help with the motivation. For now I just have to compete with my laziness and the scale.
Around this time of year I always get the itch for vacation. I don't know if it is just that it has been a long time since we have had one, or winter drives us inside and there isn't all the fun picnics, hikes, swimming, and other various free outdoor activities to do, but I REALLY want to get away. I daydream and "shop" online for vacations until it becomes a reality that with a kid and dog we can't really afford to fly anywhere, so we will end up waiting until it is spring or summer and just drive to the beach. Honestly though, I don't want to be a family that does the same vacation every single year. I would rather have adventures. Bill and I have semi-seriously been talking about taking a trip out west this spring, maybe to Arizona or Colorado. Have any of you had a good trip out west? Anywhere you suggest as a fun place to visit, that isn't too hard to bring along a toddler? We do have a backpack that we put her in, and definitely plan to do some hiking, but obviously with 30 pounds on Bill's back we can't do a whole mountain.
Speaking of toddlers, Aubrey gets more like a kid and less like a baby every day. It is a little sad, but fun at the same time. She asks to do her favorite things all the time now--Walk? Outside? or Playdoh? Downstairs? I also constantly hear "help please" because she gets herself halfway under or over something and then gets stuck. If she even so slightly bumps something she runs over to me and holds it out while making kissing noises so I will kiss it and make it better for her. I think she probably learns a new word every day now, and says "welcome" when she hands you something and "okay" when you tell her something. Aubrey's latest challenge is learning colors. She knows all the words, red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink, but she gets them right only about 50% of the time. Often she just says a color regardless of what the color actually is. Also, we have casually started potty training. I think it will be easier to do in the summer when we don't have to take off three layers to sit on the potty. We got her a green baby bjorn brand potty that she gets excited when she sees it and says, "potty! potty!" She knows how to sit on it and say what you are supposed to do on it though, it is cute. Mostly we are just talking about it so she gets used to the idea at this point. Along with all the fun parts of having a toddler we are "enjoying" the temper tantrums now, fun times.
Well, she is handing me books and saying, please! so that is all for now.