Not too much going on here, we have been pretty ready for baby to make her appearance anytime now, but she seems pretty content to stay put for the time being. :) Less than a week until my due date, and I do expect I'll see it come and go before baby arrives. That's okay though, I want her to wait until she is ready! May is a nice month to have a birthday in.
She is still as active as ever--I think sometimes it feels like she is participating in a one baby break dancing marathon. Praise God she is healthy in there and everything has been going well with this pregnancy. I have gained 24lbs, my blood pressure is still low, no swelling--lots of aches and pains, but nothing that is keeping me from doing what I need to do (except sleep!).
Hopefully the next post I make will be a birth announcement!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 09, 2010

Ultrasound Tech: "In all my 30 years of doing ultrasounds I have never seen or felt a baby move so much!"
Baby girl two is looking quite happy and healthy in there--measuring about 6lbs, 6oz which is right on track for being about the same size as Aubrey was when she was born. I guess it is just me that is measuring small for some reason. Oh yes, we did double check that she is a girl--they were right with the first ultrasound.
Recently I have been saying to Bill that I just don't remember Aubrey moving as much as this baby. I am glad to know I am not just forgetful--this little one is a very active baby! And her nose and chin definitely look different than her big sister, more like daddy and less like mommy I am guessing.
Only about 3 weeks now until we get to meet her! Very exciting. :)
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Now I am past the 36 week mark--only about a month to go--provided she comes on time. I just had a doctor's appointment yesterday that went well. We had an encouraging conversation with the doctor about our birth plan: she is very supportive of our desire for a very low intervention birth. I won't need to get an IV or even a Hep lock (yay for no needles!) and as long as everyone is feeling good after the birth we can check out of the hospital in as little as six hours.
I am measuring on the small side so I am going to be having an ultrasound on Friday. They want to check the fluid levels and her growth. The doctor, after feeling the size of the baby, said she expects her to be much smaller than Aubrey was--around 7lbs vs. 8.5lbs. I am looking forward to having another peek at her (and having them double check that she is a she), just praying that she is growing well in there and that there are no problems. Maybe I'll have some more ultrasound pictures, but at almost 37 weeks it will probably be too crowded in there to get a good view.
For now we are enjoying this nice spring weather we have been having and savoring the last few weeks of just one child. Aubrey is such a sweetie and is so excited about her baby sister coming, but I know her world is going to be rocked. It will probably be really hard at first, but having a sibling will be so wonderful for her. I am just getting a little sentimental that my first baby won't be the baby of the family for much longer. (with as good as she is at being bossy, she probably won't mind the older sister roll all that much.)
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