Friday, October 13, 2006

It has been a long time since my last update--life has been pretty intense lately. Only 25 more days until the election and we are inundated with political ads, volunteering, poll numbers, and pundits predictions. I am very hopeful for the outcome of the election, I haven't lost total faith in the voters of the U.S. yet! It is sad how selfish and short sighted many people seem to be with their satisfaction of the current administration going up and down with gas prices rather than based on issues like the fact that we haven't had a terrorist attack in the U.S. since Sept. 11th.

In Ronald Reagan's words: "We need more Democrats in the Senate--like Custer needed more arrows."

Bill has been working so hard lately--he has been doing two jobs worth of work load at the office and has a really demanding MBA class. This burden rests on him, but I am trying to help out in any way that I can. We just have to keep the countdown going--five more classes until the degree.

1 comment:

Liz Chapman said...

Just like autumn, I keep remembering that "it" will all be over soon, and in some way we will miss it when it is all gone.