Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It amazes me how much curiosity babies have. Aubrey is constantly pointing at things and saying, "dat." It usually means "what is that" or "look at that." She points most of the time now--at balloons in the grocery store, at dogs when we are on our walks, and most of all she loves to find and point at airplanes or birds flying overhead. It is so cute, I can hear her doing it when I am driving, "I am sorry, honey, Mommy can't see what that is. Are you looking out the window at the puffy clouds or the green trees?" In the picture above I put a toy on my head for her to point at. "Dat!" Yes, mommy put a toy on her head, that is silly!


Adam and Hayley said...

Aubrey looks just like Bill in that picture.

Daisy said...

Hey thanks for the package- we got it today and the kids were thrilled!