Can I bring this little pumpkin on our walk?
The pumpkin was too heavy so we took off without it--we don't hold still for long!
All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost. ~~~J. R. R. Tolkien ~~~Gleanings from life's many pleasures and experiences.
Wow, Aubrey, you are such a big girl now! I'm sure the disappointed look on your face (no climbing stairs) will really work on Grampa!! Happy 15-month Birthday! See you soon...
Just when you think the girl can not get any cuter...
She's adorable. I love the vest and hat. Too cute!
I see more of Becky in Aubrey's smile shot than when she's concentrating on other tasks... when she then reminds me more of her daddy! :) luv, L
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