Today I watched the March for Life from my office window on the Hill in DC. Thousands and thousands of Pro-Life marchers went by for over two hours. Huge crowds of people holding up signs supporting the rights of the unborn children, the Judge Alito nomination, and the overturning of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. There was not a single anti-life demonstrator in sight. They had held their own rally on the steps of the Supreme Court last night, all fifty or so of them. It was in the form of a candlelight vigil. I found this very ironic considering candlelight vigils are typically held for those who have died. Don't pro-abortion advocates claim that abortion is not an act of killing?
I have a lot of respect for the dedication of the members of the Catholic church to the support of the sacredness of life. Judging by the signs that were displayed during the march, the majority of the marchers were with a Catholic Church group or Catholic school. They certainly demonstrated actions that back up their beliefs today.
Some sobering numbers to be reminded of on this anniversary of Roe v. Wade:
Based on accumulative data from the two primary sources of U.S. abortion statistics (Centers for Disease Control and Alan Guttmacher Institute), it's estimated that around one million abortions take place annually and more than 43 million abortions have been performed in the U.S. since 1973. http://www.family.org/cforum/fosi/bioethics/facts/a0027730.cfm
43 million....I have a hard time picturing that. Just to help with numbers perspective: about 6 million died in the Holocaust (according to the Holocaust Museum website).
1 comment:
Very well written, and on a hard topic to write about.
I remember exactly where I was when Roe V Wade was decided in 1973. I was a junior in high school and had just pulled up at a shopping center only a few miles from the Supreme Court building in suburban Falls Church VA when the flash hit the airwaves. Neither my girl friend or I could articulate how we felt. While I deeply believed in privacy rights, it seemed that the members had just pulled this one out of a hat.
I am the only member of my family who is pro-life, which has caused great angst in my family. My brothers, all flaming liberals, cannot accept their "baby" brother is a religious conservative. It's almost as if we're not related at all.
Anyway, nice blog. I found yours while back-tracking on my site meter. Good luck.
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