Thursday, May 08, 2008

It is amazing what one and a half cups of coffee can do for you.

I am on fire this morning!

During Aubrey's morning nap I have

Put away two loads of clean laundry from yesterday
Put the sheets and towels in the wash
Unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher
Vacuumed the main level
Steamed and pureed carrots
Steamed and pureed broccoli
Trimmed my bangs

and now I am eating my power breakfast of cold oatmeal mixed with yogurt. Sounds gross but it actually is really tasty. It has been almost one hour since I put her down to sleep, I probably have about 10 minutes left, maybe I'll relax. Nah, who am I kidding? The dog needs to be groomed, sheets and towels put in the dryer, highchair scrubbed down...I had better run!

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