Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Through a friend of mine I just found a cool grocery list/menu organizer that I really want. The To Do list looks good too. Hint hint for Christmas. :) Anything that helps me plan 7 dinners a week and get all the ingredients in one grocery shopping trip is fantastic! I need to get a day planner for the year 2009 as well.

As long as we are on the subject of Christmas, in case anyone is wondering Aubrey is growing into size 2T on top and 18 months or 18-24 months on bottom and is in a 6 shoe. She wants to start being artistic so would like crayons, playdoh, and big pieces of paper to work her magic on. Also, she would love a baby doll or some kid's music to dance around to. Nothing for the tv yet please, we are not allowing cartoons, movies, etc. until age 3. I know, we are such mean parents. ;)

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