Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
'Tis the season
We start with the tree of course. All silver and gold ornaments, except for two or three special keepsake ones.
This tree skirt is new this year. I love the combination of silk, velvet, and stylized reindeer. We won't put out the presents till Christmas eve.
Our stockings. My Mom makes everyone in the family one--including the dog. :)
Note how the TOP of the desk is decorated--way out of grabbing range.
I love snowmen.

decorating cookies
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The ten second rest
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Thanksgiving Photo Recap
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tons of eating will occur over the weekend because not only will we be partaking in my Mom's excellent turkey dinner on Thursday, but we will be celebrating my Dad's birthday, which is on Saturday. Essential to my Dad's birthday celebration is a feast of homemade spaghetti and meatballs from his mom's recipe. My gramma had a lot of Italian blood in her veins and her spaghetti sauce is to die for. mmm. I am sure I will weigh ten pounds more upon returning home on Tuesday.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
As long as we are on the subject of Christmas, in case anyone is wondering Aubrey is growing into size 2T on top and 18 months or 18-24 months on bottom and is in a 6 shoe. She wants to start being artistic so would like crayons, playdoh, and big pieces of paper to work her magic on. Also, she would love a baby doll or some kid's music to dance around to. Nothing for the tv yet please, we are not allowing cartoons, movies, etc. until age 3. I know, we are such mean parents. ;)
lip lesson
After finishing my bedtime preparations, I jumped into bed with my new library book and snuggled under my down comforter. I read a few sentences and noticed a sort of numb and tingly feeling in my upper lip. Weird I thought, and went back to reading. A few minutes later it was still there so I reluctantly left my warm nest in the bed and looked in the bathroom mirror. My lip was swollen to about twice its normal size! Just my upper lip. It looked like a really bad plastic surgery job--think Meg Ryan a few years ago. I stared at it for a few more minutes, and poked it, and it didn't seem to be getting any worse, so I jumped back into bed. I only entertained a few panicky thoughts about my whole face swelling up and not being able to breathe, or the swelling not going down and having to walk around looking like I had a botched lip plumping.
Bill came in after walking the dog and I asked, does my lip look swollen? Somehow I thought perhaps I was imagining it. Bill was quite amused by my new look and told me not to worry about it, it would be fine in the morning.
He's right, it is. Lesson learned, don't be lazy and use man cleanser on your face, unless you want to see what you would look like after a collagen lip plumping.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Getting Ready for Winter
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
15 Months Old Today
Can I bring this little pumpkin on our walk?
The pumpkin was too heavy so we took off without it--we don't hold still for long!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Our country is at such a crossroads. Economic policies: whether you believe in free markets or more regulation by the government. Health care: privatization or government regulation. Foreign policy: continue to pre-emptively protect our country from terrorists using the military or reduce nuclear proliferation and use diplomatic venues to prevent more violence. I could go on. These issues are all very important, but there is one more that I want to delve into in greater depth because I didn't understand how extreme Senator Obama's policies are when it comes to the area of human life.
Senator Obama places a great deal of importance and priority to his pro-abortion policies. He has promised that ''the first thing I'd do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act.'' This act would provide federally funded abortions for any point in the pregnancy for any undefined "health" reason. It would remove parental consent and notification laws and conscience exemptions that protect health workers from losing their jobs if they object to participating in abortions. In addition to that, he would remove funding from pro-life crisis pregnancy centers that provide support for women who choose not to abort their babies.
It gets even worse. Not only does Senator Obama wish to remove the protection that President Bush has provided for frozen embryos that were created in the process of invitro fertilization, but he wants to lift bans on cloning embryos for research purposes. This will create and then kill these babies factory style in the name of science.
Lastly consider that there will likely be vacancies on the Supreme Court in the next term. If you have a pro-abortion president, pro-abortion majority in Congress, and a pro-abortion majority sitting on the Supreme Court, how many more innocent lives will be lost? Abortion is such a black mark in our nation's history and we should look back on it in shame as we do slavery.
Does the average pro-Obama voter understand how extreme his policies really are?
I encourage you to read this article in full.
Other sources:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Busy day

Aubrey didn't want to stop going back and forth across the bridge
Aubrey and I went down to Richmond to spend the day with Hayley and Charlotte yesterday. Yes, they are dressed alike, Aubrey and I found shirts that say best friends on them and had to have them. Isn't it cute? We had a lot of fun. First we went to the Republican headquarters to pick up some bumper stickers. Being in the midst of the phonebanking and campaigning buzz certainly brought back memories of two years ago! Then we headed to get lunch at a bagel shop and browsed in a few boutiques. Then we headed to the Richmond's children's museum and the kids had a blast! The whole place is amazing: there was a kid scale town with a grocers, dr. office, bank, etc., dinosaurs, a tree you "pick" apples from, and a whole section for under 3s. Aubrey was so wound up from it all she hardly slept on the drive home and then was running around like a crazy baby before bed.
Running around in PJs before bed
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Fourteen Months
We have been so busy lately that I had been meaning to do a 14 month post for quite a few days now and am just getting around to it. Our little Aubrey is growing in leaps and bounds. It didn't take long for her to transition from not walking without holding our hands to don't you dare hold my hand while I am walking. We go on walks every day, we are up to about 1/2 mile now before she gets tired. And by tired I mean she just turns off the sidewalk and plays with leaves or grass, she would never ask to be picked up! Anytime that I do pick her up or guide her away from something she wants to be doing she screams like I am torturing her in the worst way. Definitely humbling in public.
Just like her mommy, Aubrey is a talker. She has at last count over 40 words*, four two-word phrases, and four animal sounds. However, around people other than us Aubrey clams up and is very quiet. While at home she repeats just about everything that I say to the best of her ability, and that can come out really funny sometimes.
Aubrey loves to laugh. Whenever anyone who is around her laughs she will laugh too, even if she doesn't know what is funny. She is very ticklish and loves being startled as well. She is always very busy, never stopping moving. She walks while she drinks, eats, or picks up a toy. One exception is when she sits to read her books or even better, have them read to her. Her absolute favorite outing, other than walks, is to go to the library. She toddles up and down the rows of books saying, Book, Book, Book and pointing. Always generous, she pulls the books off the shelves and distributes them to any other kids who are in the area.
So, as you can see, Aubrey isn't a baby any more. Sometimes I miss those baby days, but then I remember the sleepless nights and the constant nursing, and am happy with having a toddler instead.
*Just so I can remember in the future, I am cataloguing them here.
Daddy, Mama, Hi, Bye-bye, That, Baby, Ball, Balloon, Hop (what a bunny does), Jump, Walk (as in put me down so I can walk), Doggy, Bunny, Horse, Hen, Duck, Birdie, Fish, Kitty, Nose, Mouth, Eye, Tummy, Trees, Bush (as in President), Yum, Yuck, Boo, Mess, Milk, Cheese, Spoon, Book, Shoes, Nice (for petting animals), Hug (when she gives one), Ut-Oh, Ow (as in I hurt myself), Brush, Poopies (yes, she tells me when she goes), Up please, All done, Thank you, Love you, Woof, Neigh, Quack, Baa
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Homeschooling starts early: Government 101
I had to teach her this one now because Bush is so much easier to say than McCain or Obama.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Oh no! A bear in our campground!
The fire tower we hiked to and climbed. Dexter refused to go up it and the height made Bill very nervous. It was metal with holes in so you could see all the way to the ground. That didn't make it seem very stable.
There were great views from the top.
Aubrey in the backpack.
Hanging out in the camp site.
Enjoying the view of the water.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Charlotte's Birthday Bash
My two favorite people getting ready to party
Gathering around C to watch her devour a cupcake.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Our little baby is getting so big now, we really can't call her a baby anymore. It makes me wistful and kind of sad, but very proud at the same time. She is learning so much every day--yesterday she learned how to go all the way down the flights of stairs backwards and also back up while turning her push toy around so she doesn't get stuck in the corner anymore. She is very into imitation now, all my sounds and gestures get repeated. Yesterday evening before bed was the last time that I have nursed her--I think I am having a harder time weaning than she is at this point. She went to sleep for the night without being nursed for the first time in her life tonight and I am the one who is sad.
Charlotte and Aubrey playing in C's new house
A showing C what color she should paint the walls from a paint chip.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
It is too hot out to wear jeans
Anyway, I have to decide what to do with all my old clothes. I have so many suits from working, casual pants that are too big, etc. Probably what I should do is keep my favorites in the bigger sizes, just a few things, and then donate the rest. I realize there is a possibility that I will get bigger again now that I am weaning Aubrey and also with future pregnancies. There is also the sentimentality of many of these clothes--oh, this is the suit I was wearing when I interviewed for my job, this is the one I was wearing when I attended Reagan's funeral, this is what I was wearing when I found out I was pregnant, etc. Any thoughts? Like go for it Becky, get rid of everything that doesn't fit, you dont' need 5 saggy baggy suits. Or don't do it! You'll gain back all that weight eventually and do you want to buy all new clothes? Oh wait, that sounds like fun. ;)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
hugs and snuggles
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Big Girl (still)
Anyway, here are the stats:
Weight: 24 lbs. 5 oz. 90%
Height: 31" 95%
Head: 46.5 cm 90%
Which means she is only two inches and 3 pounds away from wearing Crewcuts.
I expect her to slow down in growing a bit now since her version of eating is take a few bites and throw the rest off the high chair onto the floor. She just wants to be exploring all the time--can't keep her still! The doctor was surprised that she has about a dozen words now, he was asking if she said mama or dada yet. I said, yes, and doggy, birdy, ut-oh, thank you, fish, ball, bye-bye, hi, kitty, and up. :) One of my favorite things now is when she wakes up in the morning and I come in to get her out of her crib she will give me a huge smile and a big hi! Sometimes when she is falling asleep she will practice her words, I'll hear her going through her whole vocabulary a few times before drifting off.